
Golden Shadow

About our Product

OurĀ Golden Shadow pumpkin range is proudly South Australian, grown in the Riverland and Adelaide Plains. We specialise in growing Butternut, Kent and Grey pumpkin varieties, each offering their unique benefits and characteristics.


Butternut Pumpkin

Our brand
Golden Shadow

Our growing region/s
South Australia grown; Riverland and Adelaide Plains

Golden Shadow Product Range
Bins: 100kg 200kg & 300kg
Cartons: 18kg nett

Available from January to September

Product Description
Butternut pumpkins are pear-shaped in appearance, with a yellow-golden skin and orange fleshy pulp; being sweeter and nuttier than other pumpkins making it the most versatile pumpkin type.

Best use for
Butternut pumpkins are optimal for roasting, salads and soups.

Nutritional Information

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Kent Pumpkin

Our brand
Golden Shadow

Our growing region/s
South Australia grown; Riverland and Adelaide Plains

Golden Shadow Product Range
Bins: 100kg 200kg & 300kg
Cartons: 18kg nett

Available from January to September

Product Description
Kent pumpkins are green skinned, mottled through with yellow patches. Their yellow-orange flesh is soft and dry, with a rich nutty flavour.

Best use for
Kent pumpkins are best grilled, roasted or steamed.


Nutritional Information

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Grey Pumpkin

Our brand
Golden Shadow

Our growing region/s
South Australia grown; Riverland and Adelaide Plains

Golden Shadow Product Range
Bins: 100kg 200kg & 300kg
Cartons: 18kg nett

Available from January to September

Product Description
Greg pumpkins have a blueish-grey in colour with a smooth and full-flavoured golden orange flesh.

Best use for
Grey pumpkins are best grilled, roasted or steamed.

Nutritional Information

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